today is exactly 1 month that i've neglected my blog already..
it was due to my busy schedule everyday..
having so many quizzes/tests/projects/common tests at one go..
it was so stressful to do it all at one time..
and finally, i've finished everything on thursday..
here its our 3 weeeks of term break before our exams starts again..
22 July 2010, it was a normal school day..
after that, we went amk hub at nebo for junhao's birthday celebration..
had our dinner there and we played the games there..
aftermath, yuanhui and i lied to junhao that we are going to the ladies..
but we ended up, getting a mini cake for him..
back, sang him a song and camwhore..
left nebo, went kpool, and i left home early..
as there's lab test the next morning..
23 July 2010, after school went over to dear's house 1st..
kayfong came to meet us at 7pm..
dear drove to central to fetch alicia..
then we all went to Blk 226 market for tze cha..
the price there wasnt so ex like the others outside..
after eating, alicia went town to meet siaotong and co..
so we were deciding where to go..
ended up, dear's house for mahjiong with his brother..
dear's dad bought supper back..
i didnt eat coz i was still very full..
we played all the way till 11pm, and dear sent us home..
27 July 2010, school then went over to bugis to find alicia at her workplace..
waited for her to end work then esther and siaotong came..
dinner over the streets of bugis junction..
after that, bought beeeying's birthday present..
bugis streeet for shopping, but i didnt bought anything..
as usual, went to illuma's roof top to slack with my girls..
and i nvr fail to bring my camera out with me..
hearttalks nvr fail as well, slacked till 10 plus then trained home..
great time with my girls (:
30 July 2010, it was princess beeying's birthday!
back home after school to change up..
then trained to orchard to meet esther 1st before heading to clark quay..
alicia came after her work..
we sat by the river side while waiting for them to come..
then went to look for Hog's Breath Cafe..
finally settled down for our dinner..
we bought her a small cake as well..
while waiting for the food, we gave beeying her present..
sang her a birthday song and camwhore..
slacked awhile then left, accompanied beeying to wait for cab..
she went work, while we went back..
6 aug 2010, went school for only 1 hour..
its just for the partcipation marks..
after lesson, went to dear's house..
dear went to market early to buy youtiao for me..
then stayed there for lunch as well..
aftermath, went to town to shop for surprises for gfs..
loooked around for the present as well..
then went to bugis to find alicia, siaotong came..
after alicia's work, we went to town..
had dinner at cine's koufu..
and waited for chonghao and co for like more than an hour..
they came, slacked awhile, then they went sheesha..
dear and i, zhiwei and gf went home as well..